About Us
Golf Party Live started in 2022 after overwhelming requests for ladies golf lessons. Donna Taylor has been in the golf industry her entire life and began teaching golf in the Bay Area in 1990. Her father, Dan Lippstreu, played on the PGA Golf Tour and has been her golf coach and mentor throughout her life. He spent years teaching her how to instruct beginner women. Donna's passion is bringing golf to women in a fun, approachable way. She loves building community and connecting like minded women. Golf Party Live offers beginner ladies clinics for new players and graduate clinics for more experienced players. We have monthly playdates, weekly ladies play at various golf courses in the East Valley, (long) weekend golf retreats for those that play and a golf related podcast: Talk Birdie To Me with Donna Taylor. You will see all ability levels and all ages…the common thread is everyone is very fun and welcoming!